The impact of cultural awareness in activating urban tourism


  • Subaih Ali Abdul Hussein Al-Jalabi


Variation and differences in Quality of culture levels have an important effect on Recreation of Architectural tourism, which stort in the new era of touristic industry. Tourism is no more bounded to the natural element, Since Architect is the Port for Transmission of Ideas and the representation of perception an opinions which can shift the tourist from word of simplicity to the world of creation and imagination through the continuation with used and Sean Architect. In the present study we found that the culture background of the tourist have an important influence on this type tourism, this is due to the fact that those tourist with different cultural Background show some similarity in their perception on primary level only, this is due to the difference, in their language, social, and culture norms, with the absence of common ideas, while the presence of touristic architectural design can provide the basis for the common perception to a real world, this makes the tourist architect a method of communication between different types of tourists which studies the perceived leisure by the tourists through his view from the sensations to the perception touristic architect, which will lead to the perception touristic architect, which will lead to mental analysis of the syr..bols which will lead to imaginary view about these symbols, these operation are not separate from each others but they are inter- mangled with each others an between conscious and subconscious level. Since conscious is important characters of human which helps to direct his act and recreation to external, This lead us to study the conscious ness in details with essential operation, which included by the conscious ness, on studying cultural and historical back group regarding these important parameters.

Since the most important source of leisure is visual, this lead us to study the civil views and its beauty to show its symbol and evidence that help to attract the attention of the tourist. The civil views also can create visual condition that lead the tourist to interact an respond to the surrounding circumstances through his perception of symbolic view of the condition and its beauty

Author Biography

  • Subaih Ali Abdul Hussein Al-Jalabi

    Prof. Dr. Subaih Ali Abdul Hussein Al-Jalabi


