تحليل وتقييم العوامل المؤثرة في عرض الوحدة السكنية
Summed up the research problem that there is no clear mechanisms for supplys of housing developed in local cities in general and the city of Numaniyah, in particular, the aim of the research is to diagnose and study the reality of housing supplys, newly added to the Iraqi city, and the city of Numaniyah as a sample, has been the most important residential concepts and factors affecting the housing supply addressed, It was the most important types of housing-added supplys for city NUMANIYA addressed, and applied study of view of the balance within the city of Numaniyah, it was reached the following results: -
1- investment sector had no role in the housing offers in the city.
2- due to need , due to lack of land for the new building process and weak monitoring process , some people had to violate the law and build up unformal housing in the city.
3- due the failure of the new housing market so the market of splitting residential units within the credit emerged.
4- the most important reason for the increase in housing market within the credit is the need to respond to the increased number of families or known as the family splitting , the investment factor comes second.
The most important recommendations are :
1- activating the project of building up the delayed residential compound and support investment sector in the city housing market.
2- approving the current Master plan which include the expandable areas that may fill up the housing deficiency and the residential need in the city.
3- studying the ability of the shops to increase the housing offers within the credit and the possibility of providing needed services for residents plus the necessity to activate the monitoring municipal role to put an end to violations of the diagram regulations.