فلسفة التخطيط ما بعد النظرية
فلسفة التخطيطAbstract
the idea of the unreality Comes (after the knowledge theory) after the accumulation of human knowledge, and as the case of a difference in the multiplicity of roles and move through the time, this idea came in the end of the supplementation of human thought and of (basic theories) and everything who came and will coming is unreal, it is only an indirect comment on these basics,then it is sub-implicit,not an individual is not essential.
After the end of the humanity and philosophical theory, what will come is only unreal because reasonably found through the theory, and knowledge is the inevitable result of the reasonable, but the theory received after that will become not reasonable, as is the case in this research, in case the planning science was very weak and became stronger by the theories as the structural theory and breakdown theory then folding theory.
If we focusing in one of these theories, which are folding, you\'ll find an extension of the theory of the former is deconstruction, and these belong to the thinker, \"Jacques Derrida,\" which inspired this theory from his teacher \"Heidegger\" as well as architectural theory of alienation, is only a girl \"Karl Marx\" as well as the structural theory is only an extension of the school of linguistics for \"Saussure.\" So all of that is reasonable and which will be generated from it and so will be unreal because of the science theft and theories of science theories, this is called tampering.
The idea of the tampering is unreasonable, so there is no rebellion against the unreasonable, the knowledge combined with the real, and other tampering.
The idea of knowledge is only an extension of the former, so we are tossing ideas around in the dark of what and why, so it should be to stand against the stolen reasonable theory of knowledge is obvious, otherwise it will be in vain and insane.