((The Role of Environmental Awareness among the Iraqi Family in Solid Waste Disposal))(Study area) (Ramadi – District- Alazaizya)
Most of the third world countries suffer from the weakness of the Environmental awareness in the treatment with solid litters , and the way of its management and getting rid , and ability of getting use from them during follow modern way and modern scientific methods .
The researcher creates a research to choose a study area which take the Environmental awareness and the bad treatment of the Environment in managing and getting rid from the solid litters , which produce Environmental healthy and economical traces , as well as its traces in the beauty of the city .
The study bring with two parts ,The first with its description a theoretical frame , and he explains the introduction and the outlines of the research . I tried to graduate and it took different objects . It has taken in the first part the introduction of solid litters and the effect factors in the average of the solid litters generation .
While the second part ,it includes the scientific side it contains the a questionnaire study by the Survey form and putting the results in percentage ,and the description analysis for that results .
The research showed a group of conclusions and recommendation which related to this object .